Televac AN 3007: Modifica delle impostazioni dell'uscita analogica MM200


This application note explains the process for changing the MM200 analog output settings from a Windows 7 PC. The serial communications program Tera Term must be installed prior to following these instructions, and a serial to USB converter must be purchased. If you don’t have Tera Term installed, click here to download.


1. Plug the serial to USB converter into your PC.

2. Aprire il menu Start.

3. Aprire il Pannello di controllo.

4. Open Hardware and Sound.

5. Aprire la Gestione periferiche.

6. Espandere il menu a tendina Porte (COM e LPT).

7. Determine the COM port assignment for your USB to serial converter, in this example the converter is assigned to COM3.

8. Open TeraTerm.

9. Aprire il menu Impostazione e selezionare l'opzione Porta seriale....

10. Change the Port setting to the COM port for your USB to serial converter, in this example it is COM3.

11. Ensure that the remainder of the settings are the following, then select OK:

  1. Velocità di trasmissione: 9600
  2. Dati: 8 bit
  3. Parità: nessuna
  4. Stop: 1 bit
  5. Controllo di flusso: nessuno
  6. Ritardo di trasmissione: 0 msec/char, 0 msec/linea

12. Open the Setup menu and select the Terminal setup… option

13. Assicurarsi che le impostazioni siano le seguenti, quindi selezionare OK:

  1. Ricevere: CR+LF
  2. Trasmettere: CR+LF
  3. Controllo dell'eco locale

14. Send the following commands to change the analog output setting, this example changes the 7B output to Linear (<CR> is equivalent to pressing the Enter key). A full list of commands and analog output options can be found in the table below.

  1. R7BN<CR>
  2. SE<CR>
Sensore Comando Nome Gamma (Torr) V/Divisione Descrizione
1E/F R1EN Lineare 1/100 a 1000/10.000 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 1000/10.000 Torr
1E/F R1EM Lineare/Decennale 1/100 a 1000/10.000 2,00 V/Decade 10 V = 1000/10.000 Torr
1E/F R1EL Logaritmica 1/100 a 1000/10.000 3,33 V/Decade 10 V = 1000/10.000 Torr
2A R2AN Lineare 10-3 a 1 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 1 Torr
2A R2AL Logaritmica 10-3 a 1 3,33 V/Decade 10 V = 1 Torr
2A R2AT Tradizionale Da 10-3 a 20 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-3 Torr
2A R2AR Revisione lineare 10-3 a 1 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-3 Torr
3F  R3FM Lineare/Decennale 10-11 a 10-2 1,00 V/Decade 10 V = 10-2 Torr
3F R3FL Logaritmica 10-11 a 10-2 1,00 V/Decade 10 V = 10-2 Torr
3F R3Fx Lineare Da 10-2 a 10x Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-8<-x<-2 Torr
4A R4AN Lineare/Decennale 10-3 a 1000 1,00 V/Decade 10 V = 1000 Torr
4A R4AU Lineare 10-3 a 1 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 1 Torr
4A R4AT Lineare 10-3 a 10 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10 Torr
4A R4AL Logaritmica 10-3 a 1000 1,67 V/Decade 10 V = 1000 Torr
5A/B/C/D/D/E/F R5AN Lineare Scala completa Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = Scala completa
5A/B/C/D/D/E/F R5AL Logaritmica 3 Decenni 3,33 V/Decade 10 V = Scala completa
7B R7BM Lineare/Decennale 10-7 a 10-3 2,00 V/Decade 10 V = 10-3 Torr
7B R7BL Logaritmica 10-6 a 10-3 3,33 V/Decade 10 V = 10-3 Torr
7B R7BE Logaritmica estesa 10-7 a 10-3 2,50 V/Decade 10 V = 10-3 Torr
7B R7BN Lineare 10-6 a 10-3 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-3 Torr
7B R7BT Tradizionale 10-7 a 10-3 Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-3 Torr
7E R7EM Lineare/Decennale 10-8 a 10-2 1,00 V/Decade 10 V = 10-2 Torr (da 4 a 10 V)
7E R7EL Logaritmica 10-8 a 10-2 1,67 V/Decade 10 V = 10-2 Torr
7E R7Fx Lineare Da 10-2 a 10x Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-7<-x<-2 Torr
7F/FC/FCS R7FM Lineare/Decennale 10-11 a 10-2 1,00 V/Decade 9 V = 10-2 Torr
7F/FC/FCS R7FL Logaritmica 10-11 a 10-2 1,00 V/Decade 9 V = 10-2 Torr
7F/FC/FCS R7Fx Lineare Da 10-2 a 10x Da 0 a 10 V 10 V = 10-8<-x<-2 Torr

15. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary for different sensors until all of the desired analog outputs are changed.

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